Friday, February 10, 2012

Waking Up

I woke up today (2-10-12), and the first line I read was, “the more you know about people, the more you realize that the things people do are rarely about you”. I’ve held onto it all day. As people surrounded by other people, and ultimately being self-absorbed, we can unnecessarily, and inaccurately, take so much offense to one another’s daily livings.

The world is vast. So vast, that we forget we aren’t the center. It’s a self-preservation thing I’m guessing, because if we remembered that we aren’t the center, then where would the pleasure be, the pleasure of living our lives as if the world was made for us?

Perhaps, we make the universe. We create it by the relationships we keep, and the relationships we don’t keep. The choices we make, and the choices we don’t make. The things we find meaningful and valuable, and the things we don’t.
The universe is personal.
Be good, be kind, be true.